Open Positions
Periodically, we hire part-time Behavior Support Professionals (BSP) along with other positions. For more information, contact hr@shawnmcgillmsw.com.
Employee is responsible for providing the following at the employee’s expense:
Criminal Background Check https://epatch.state.pa.us (every three years)
PA Child Abuse History Clearance https://www.compass.state.pa.us (every three years)
FBI Criminal Background Check: https://uenroll.identogo.com/
Provisional Employment Agreement (if applicable)

Pre-Hire Requirements
Transcripts (noting graduation degree and date)
Three Reference Checks
Copy of Professional License (if applicable)
Employment Application
Resume including contact information for previous employers (Must note 2 years experience in the field)
Valid driver's license
Completed W-4
Agreement to carry out the ISP (BSP staff only)
Copy of Social Security Card
Signed agreement to carry out ISP (BSP staff only)
Copy of Valid Vehicle Insurance (required on-going proof of insurance)
Copy of Vehicle registration (required on-going registration)
Proof of Inspection (required ongoing inspection)
HIPAA Confidentiality Agreement