Intensive Consultation for Problematic Sexual Behaviors
The consultation for sexual behaviors is a service provided to male or females with intellectual disabilities who have a history of or presenting issues with problematic sexual behaviors, or sexual behaviors that could be considered illegal in nature.
All females are provided the consultation because the full risk screening requires use of the Armidilo-S, a standardized tool that outlines critical risk and protective factors associated with sexual offending behaviors. The Armidilo has only been researched on male offenders with intellectual disabilities; therefore it cannot be used with female disabled offenders or those who do not have an intellectual disability. If you are not certain as to whether or not a client should receive a full risk screening and/or a consultation, please contact our office.

The consultation process yields one report, which provides the following: the purpose of the referral/report (including a brief history on the client), risk items reviewed as it relates to observed or known problematic sexual behaviors, recommendations to the team, immediate actions to provide safety, and acute risk factors or “red flag” behaviors to monitor for which could indicate the person is at an elevated level to possibly sexually offend, and how the team should respond under these conditions.
What is needed in order for a client to receive this service?
A referral form must be received and on file in our office. Contact us for a referral form or download a form here.
Our organization must have the availability of staff to conduct the consultation for sexual behavior. You will be notified within three business days after the receipt of the referral form.
If the referral is accepted, a critical revision to the ISP must occur to add Behavior Support; 40 units must be added.
What is the process for the consult?
The clinician will work directly with the SC and/or a designated point person within the team to complete the following:
Ensure the ISP critical revision is complete
Schedule the risk screening interview with members of the team (this cannot occur unless the HCSIS authorization is received)
Collect historical records
Complete the intake documentation

Once the risk-screening interview has been conducted, it takes the clinician an average of 2 weeks to complete the consultation report. Once the report is complete, it will be sent to the designated team contact, and any other person on the team for whom we have obtained a written release.
The team will be asked to review the information and provide feedback for any changes. It is asked that one person collection information regarding recommended changes, and communicate these to Shawn McGill Consulting. Please be advised it can take up to 7 business days for complete revisions to be made so please make sure accurate information is shared at the time of the risk-screening interview.
It is the responsibility of the team to schedule training with Shawn McGill Consulting regarding the recommendations listed in the consult report. Training can occur through phone, secure video-conference or face-to-face. Depending on what type of training is requested, it can take weeks to secure an appointment, so please plan well in advance.
For additional information, please contact us online or call 412-781-3829.