Service Referrals
Service Referrals
Individuals are typically referred to Shawn McGill Consulting through waivers, as listed in their Individual Support Plan (ISP). We require a service contract for private-pay and residential-based clients.
After you contact our office, we will send you a referral form and/or connect you with our staff, who oversees referrals. You may also email us at referrals@shawnmcgillmsw.com.
We carefully review each referral and determine whether we can accept it based on available staff and matching clinical skills with the referred person's core clinical issues. We do not believe that supporting everyone based on availability is a good way to provide services. If we can accept a referral, we determine staff availability and a timeline for starting the referral process, as well as what is needed prior to initiating services.
For referral information, contact us or download the referral form.